This Report has been prepared to help our stakeholders understand the Group’s responsibilities and initiatives toward realization of sustainable society and also to facilitate internal and external communications. To derive specific social values from the ESG initiatives, the Group developed three key themes and two basic themes that we should work on over the medium- to long term. Based on these, we aim at new value creation and contribution to society through our business activities in order to solve various social issues. We will strive to disclose highly transparent information on an ongoing basis.

Scope of entities subject to reporting

Hoosiers Holdings Co., Ltd. and 7 major consolidated subsidiaries, out of total 31 (as of March 31, 2024)
Percentage of net sales of entities subject to reporting to total net sales: 98.8%

Consolidated subsidiaries subject to reporting: Hoosiers Corporation, Home Stage Co., Ltd ., Hoosiers Care Design Co., Ltd., Hoosiers Asset Management Co., Ltd., Hoosiers Capital Management Co., Ltd ., Hoosiers Living Service Co., Ltd., Hoosiers Wellness&Sports Co., Ltd.
*Unless otherwise noted or indicated, all figures included in this Report pertain to entities subject to reporting listed above.

Referenced guidelines

  • GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards/Global Reporting Initiative(GRI)
  • Linking the SDGs and the GRI Standards/Global Reporting Initiative(GRI)
  • Real Estate SASB Standards/Sustainability Accounting Standards Board(SASB)

Period subject to this Report

FY3/24 (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)
*Statements about activities and outlook for FY3/25 and beyond are included in some sections.

Reporting cycle

  • Issued in: September 2024
  • Next issue: scheduled in September 2025


  • For the purpose of this Report, “Hoosiers Holdings Co., Ltd.” refers to Hoosiers Holdings Co., Ltd., and “the Group” refers to Hoosiers Holdings Co., Ltd. and its seven consolidated subsidiaries.
  • Honorific titles are omitted, in principle, for names of persons or companies mentioned in this Report.
  • This Report includes facts about the past and present as well as plans and future outlook at the time of the issuance of this Report. They include assumptions and judgment based on the information available at the time of preparation of this Report, and future activities and results may differ from those described in this Report.


Hoosiers Holdings Co., Ltd.
Sustainability Promotion Office
Telephone: +81-3-3287-0704