The Group believes that human resources are the source of value creation and that it is important to create a working environment that allows employees to be physically, mentally, and socially healthy and work lively with peace of mind to improve sustainable corporate value. Accordingly, the Group promotes initiatives to enhance human capital, including ensuring the employees’ growth, health, and safety, promoting diversity and creating a friendly working environment.

Goals and Achievements

The Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace

In accordance with the “Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace” (Act No. 64 of 2015), the Group has set targets for the ratio of women in management positions and the acquisition rate of annual paid leave for the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries. The results for FY3/24 are as shown in the table below.


  Goals Acheivements【FY2024】
Due date Ratio of
female managers
Rate of
paid leave taken
Ratio of
female managers
Rate of
paid leave taken
Male employee childcare
leave utilization ratio
Hoosiers Holdings Co., Ltd. March 31,2025 Over 23% Over 60% 17.4% 68.5% 25.0%
Hoosiers Living Service Co., Ltd. March 31, 2026 Over 10% Over 60% 11.5% 69.7% 0.0%
Hoosiers Wellness&Sports Co., Ltd. March 31, 2026 Over 20% Over 50% 19.1% 72.0% 0.0%
the entire Group Companies March 31, 2026 Over 22.5% Over 60% 16.9% 70.2% 12.5%

Health and productivity management

Basic policy of health and productivity management

The Group considers that safety and health management of employees is essential for all employees to be mentally and physically healthy and work lively. “Hoosiers Group Action Guidelines” stipulate that “the Group will comply with labor-related laws and regulations and maintain safe and sound working environment,” and therefore, we strive to build a working environment to secure employees’ mental and physical health and safety by, for example, ensuring health and safety management and preventing overwork, long working hours, and occupational accidents.

Specific initiatives

(1) Enhancement of health management

The Group enhances employees' health management based on the concept that employees' health is the key to corporate growth.
Specifically, we

  • require employees to undergo thorough medical examinations or health checkups and also recommend detailed examinations to those who have been deemed to be "in need of further testing;" and
  • encourage employees to take paid leave as an initiative to promote their mental and physical health.

(2) Prevention of employees' mental disorder

The Group focuses not only on employees' physical health but also on their mental health and works to create an environment where they can work lively.
Specifically, we

  • conduct a stress check for all employees, regardless of the size of the workplace; and
  • conduct a “Pulse Survey” on a monthly basis to gather information on workplace relationships, work motivation, and physical condition, and arrange interviews with HR Division or an occupational physician as needed. Summarize the items with low scores and report and confirm the result at the Hoosiers Group's Board of Directors meeting.

(3) Risk management and legal compliance on working hours

The Group strives to reduce overtime by establishing a system to manage and improve working hours.
Specifically, we

  • cooperate with an occupational physician and prepare “self-assessment questionnaires” and arrange “interviews with an occupational physician” for employees who have worked in excess of certain hours in a month;
  • set a time to shut down PCs as part of the measures to prevent overwork; and
  • gather information on the actual situation of the Article 36 Agreement on overtime work and conduct investigation on the compliance status at each group company, and report and confirm the results at the Hoosiers Group's Board of Directors meeting.

Health and productivity management promotion system

The Group aims to realize health and productivity management by appointing Representative Director of Hoosiers Holdings as a chief executive in charge of health and productivity management and HR Division as the promoting organization in cooperation with each business division and group company and external cooperating organizations.

Diversity initiatives

Basic concept

The Group believes that we can achieve sustainable growth of the Company by creating a working environment where employees can fully demonstrate their capabilities regardless of their gender, work experience, nationality, etc. and an organization where each and every employee accepts diverse values. “Hoosiers Group Action Guidelines” define our stance on respect for basic human rights and prohibition of discrimination and harassment, and we promote respect for human rights and diversity as well as creation of a sound working environment to ensure equal employment and opportunities for proactive participation for all employees.

Promoting proactive participation of female employees

The Group considers it important to take advantage of female employees’ opinions in creating new products and services. Since its foundation, therefore, it has focused on creating a climate and culture that promote proactive participation of female employees by introducing flexible work-style according to their life stage.

Example of our efforts

  • Work-style
    • Dissemination of the FF employee system*
    • Encouraging employees to take maternity leave and childcare leave
  • Manufacturing
    • Compact condominium for female (Duo Veel series)

To further promote diversity, we will continue to promote recruitment and development of female employees to become next candidates for management positions. For the ratio of women in management positions, please refer to “Targets and Achievements.”

* Free location & Flexible time (FF) system is a salary system based on performance, not time, applicable to employees who are in a life stage where it is difficult to work full-time due to child rearing or nursing care.

Support of child rearing and nursing care

The Group has a personnel system to ensure that employees do not need to give up working due to such life events as childbirth, child rearing, or nursing care. In addition, we use our internal portal site to disseminate and raise awareness of the system to create a working environment where the system is easily accessible to employees.

Creation of friendly working environment

Basic concept

In order to keep providing new values to society through our business activities, we believe it is important to create an environment where all employees can fully demonstrate their abilities. To this end, we aim to become a company where all employees can participate proactively by setting a fair evaluation and remuneration system and offering benefits package to increase employees’ motivation for work and creating a working environment where they can fully demonstrate their abilities.

Fair evaluation and compensation

The Group operates a fair evaluation and compensation system by enhancing communication through a system which gives HR division and superiors opportunities to listen to employees’ opinions.

Target management system

The Group has introduced the target management system to encourage employees to work on their own toward their targets with the management and their supervisors. Employees set their targets by themselves with advice from their superiors every six months and receive bonus according to their achievements. We also review their skills and actions which are the basis of salary raise and promotion annually.

Evaluation of superiors and career development

We conduct the 360-degree evaluation for the management level (Stage 6 or higher in the Company standard) every two years.

Organization revitalization questionnaire

The Group conducts an organization revitalization questionnaire of employees annually. Its objectives are to get feedback from employees’ voices on their work and working environment and use them in management with an aim to maximize personal and organizational performance. “The level of organizational revitalization” is rated on a scale of 100 points with 38 questions under eight themes to measure the Company’s performance in terms of, for example, the strategic nature and progressiveness of the organization and comfortableness of the working environment.

Cultivation of climate that encourages challenges

The Group has various award systems to create a climate that encourages employees to create values through innovation, enhance group coordination and increase personal and organizational motivation.

Name Frequency Summary
Monthly Award Monthly Award is given to a person who has achieved excellent performance during the month.
Quarter MVP Quarterly Award is given to a person who has achieved excellent performance throughout the quarter.
Top Of Hoosiers Award Annually Award is given to a person who has achieved the most excellent performance throughout the year.
Hoosiers Award Annually Award is given to a person who has achieved excellent performance throughout the year.
New Face Award Annually To be selected from employees who have joined the Company during the fiscal year.
Hundred Award Annually The award is given according to accumulated performance in sales, operation, and administrative sections.
Hoosier Design Award Annually Award is given to a property with excellent design, plan, and concept.
*Outside specialists are invited for the examination.
Long Service Award Annually Award is given to honor employees who have been with the Company for 10, 20 and 30 years.

Benefits package

Aiming at creating a fair and satisfying working place, the Group provides a wide range of benefits package including support of child rearing and nursing care and the employee stock ownership plan.

Name Summary
Maternity leave 6 weeks before childbirth (14 weeks for multiple pregnancy) and 8 weeks after childbirth
Childcare leave Until the child becomes 1 year of age, in principle, and extendable until the child becomes 2 years of age at a maximum
Leave for child nursing care Preschooler: 5 days per year for one child and 10 days per year for more than one child
Family nursing care leave Up to 93 days in total per family member who needs care
Measures to secure employees’ health Appointment of full-time industrial physician
Re-employment of elderly persons Retirement at the age of 60, with an option to renew the contract every year
Retirement benefit plan Payment of retirement benefit under the defined contribution pension plan
Corporate health insurance society High-cost medical care benefits, one-off childbirth and child rearing allowance, injury and sickness allowance, and complete medical checkup, etc.
Property accumulation Corporate-type defined contribution pension plan, Hoosiers employee stock ownership plan
Life support-related FF employee system, GLTD insurance, and insurance for three major diseases
Other benefits Incentive program on acquiring qualifications, rent subsidy for new graduates, home purchase subsidy, recreation facilities, etc.

* Free location & Flexible time (FF) system is a salary system based on performance, not time, applicable to employees who are in a life stage where it is difficult to work full-time due to child rearing or nursing care.

Human Resource Management

Basic concept

The Group believes developing employees’ skills and diverse perspectives and sense of values is crucial in pursuing “dream life” and increasing mid- to long-term corporate value. Accordingly, we provide trainings by job level and theme according to the stage of individual employees as well as a qualification acquisition support system aimed at improving skills.

Human resource development

The Group provides trainings by job level and theme based on the human resource development policy. With the OJT as a linchpin, we set challenges and growth goals for each employee through one-on-one interviews and evaluate and give feedback on their growth and areas for improvement as they make efforts toward growth. We also provide Off-JT (training programs) to promote a wide range of skill development systematically.

Points of the human resource development policy

  • Theme: Develop human resources who willingly take on new challenges
  • Desirable attitude/skills: Humble attitude toward constant self-improvement, universal problem-solving skills

Off-JT (training programs)